Production: CANAL+, Plastic Odyssey, Les Éclaireurs, Les Gens Bien Production
Details: Web series 9x8min + 9x4min + feature-length documentary
Year: 2024-2025
Plastic Odyssey
Plastic Odyssey is an ambitious international project dedicated to fighting plastic pollution in the oceans. For three years, this 40-meter laboratory ship has been traveling the globe to identify and share concrete solutions for recycling and reducing plastic waste. The expedition’s mission is to train local entrepreneurs, develop micro-recycling plants, and raise public awareness of the environmental challenges linked to plastic waste.
In partnership with Les Éclaireurs, a CANAL+ digital media platform dedicated to positive and inspiring initiatives, a documentary series has been created to highlight local changemakers in the various countries visited. This series showcases the commitment of men and women and their impact as agents of change, emphasizing their crucial role in the fight against pollution and the protection of the environment.
In parallel, the series Déviation explores innovative alternatives discovered throughout Plastic Odyssey’s journey. It highlights local initiatives tackling plastic-related issues, offering an inspiring perspective on how alternative solutions can turn global challenges into local opportunities.